In family or between friends, rent a sailboat with skipper (pro), come to discover the calanques of Marseille/Cassis on the start of the vieux-port (Marseille).
Kayak Attitude is a store that offers a range of products for the practice of Canoe and Kayak.
The creation in 1998 of the Association Marseille Aubagne de Pêche (A. M. A. P.) has for essential goal, the more effective management of the aquatic environment and of the field fish of the Valley of the Huveaune enhanced by the presence of nearby almost daily.
We offer products and services related to all the sports that we practice personally (windsurf, kitesurf, ski, snow, sup, wake and water skiing).
With our experience in the field of fly fishing, we select for you among our products what is best.
Le Stand Up Paddle ou encore Sup d'origine Hawaienne permet de se deplacer en mer à l'aide d'une planche et d'une pagaie. Etant haut sur l'eau, Il permet de découvrir et d'observer les fonds marins et de voir évoluer la faune marine. En groupe, vous serez encadrés par un guide diplomé d'état qui vous apprendra les bases élémentaires du Stand Up Paddle avant de partir à l'aventure à Marseille ou Cassis.