Club Náutico Porto Cristo: estatísticas meteorológicas e história do vento

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Acqualife Dive Center
Acqualife Dive Center

Acqua Life Dive Center has been helping people learn to dive and go diving in Mallorca Island since 2010. We teach diving from the very first step into the diving world to professional levels. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, the Acqua Life Team will always have a dive experience unique to amaze and thrill you.

Mallorca Diving
Mallorca Diving

With Mallorcadiving you can enjoy Intro Discover Dives or improve your skills as a diver. Also we offer wreck dives, sea cave explorations, dive courses and specialties; fast boat trips, kayak trips, snorkelling trips and much more.

Albatros Diving
Albatros Diving

You are reading this because you want to share our passion for diving in Majorca. Calm water, crystal clear and full of life, underwater caves, and steep cliffs…such an amount of wonders to discover... With Albatros Diving you can enjoy the best diving in Majorca or you can introduce yourself in the “underwaterworld” in the hands of professional PADI instructors.

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