10 day weather forecast for Malaga, Spain, contains useful information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weathel model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Malaga, Spain, from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.
Get the weather forecast for other best kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing spots in Spain on this website and in the Windy.app with more weather parameters.
The weather in Malaga is characterized by mild and regular temperature conditions throughout the year, a subtropical Mediterranean climate, hot, humid, and arid summers and is recognized as the city with the warmest winters in Spain. About 480 mm of rainfall per year, mostly during March and November, with July being the driest month. It is located 11 meters above sea level and humidity varies between 60% and 72%.
Winter in Malaga occurs between the end of December and the end of March with average minimum temperatures of 10 °C and maximum temperatures of 15 °C, and approximately 24 days of rain (78 mm) in the total season.
Spring in Malaga starts at the end of March and lasts until the end of June.
The summer in Malaga begins at the end of June and goes towards the end of September, the average temperature of the season is 27 °C as maximum temperature and 22 °C as a minimum. The month of September reaches a temperature of up to 29 °C. In Malaga, this is the time of the year with the clearest sky, during these months rainfall is quite scarce with a maximum of 9 days (16 mm) for the whole season.
Autumn in Malaga runs from late September to mid-December.
Malaga weather forecast for kitesurfing, windsurfing, and surfing in Spain on the Windy.app for iOS. Photo: Bas-van-der-linden / Unsplash
The best time to visit Malaga for surfers although it may seem strange in the summer, although you get few waves are of better quality than in the winter. The alternative is kitesurfing which is another sport practiced in the area, it is also recommended to do it during the summer, always checking the possible restrictions that are presented on the different beaches of the city and having as an alternative Marbella, located in the province of Malaga with multiple beaches for the practice of kitesurfing.
Malaga is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Costa del Sol, the westernmost part of the Mediterranean. It is the capital of its homonymous province in Spain and has 14 km of beaches.
It is not a city of surfing tradition, because the weather in Malaga is not ideal for water sports, but it still has its audience and allows surfing in both the east and west. The waves are not of good consistency but are still suitable for surfing sessions, especially for less experienced surfers.
The three beaches recommended for surfers are Playa El Chanquete, Playa de Benajarafe, and Playa de Artola, in all of them it is possible to surf in the east and/or west.
Official website: Malagaturismo.com.