For everyone planning to visit Šibenik county or is already enjoying your holiday here, we offer rental services for different types of vehicles and boats. If you would like to be independent and explore islands, coast and surrounding areas alone we can forward you all information about the best offer for a vehicle or boat of your choice.
Poštovani posjetitelji drago nam je što ste u mnoštvu internetskih stranica odlučili da posjetite i naše i tako se upoznate sa radom veslačkog kluba «Krka». V.K. «Krka» je klub s dugogodišnjom poviješću (na slici: krštenje nove dvojke 1924. godine). Osnovan je davne 1923. godine i od tada do danas podiže i odgaja naraštaje sportaša koji su svojim sudjelovanjem u njegovom postojanju i radu doprinijeli da se ime «Krka» prepoznaje kao izvorište ljudske i sportske kvalitete. Klub danas okuplja mnoštvo mladih veslačica i veslača koji pod budnim okom triju trenera i Uprave svakodnevno stvaraju veslačku sadašnjost i budućnost.
Note that in the club, especially your work with the young categories, taking on parenting as the most important klupsku activities and on the basis of the future of the club and sailing in St. Petersburg.
Take the unique boat tours along Dalmatian coastline and among its numerous islands and islets. Let us take you on these wonderful excursions and help you discover the untouched nature's beauty intertwined with fascinating historical and cultural heritage.
Shop fishing tackle and diving equipment Fishing tackle
NAVIS LATINAE offers you the chance to discover the beauty of the Croatian Adriatic by renting the award-winning AXOPAR 28 T-top boat, the first boat in history to win five awards for boat of the year in its class.
Bareboat and skippered yacht charters from Skradin, Croatia. Up to 35% off early and late season charters.