La Roche 天气预报及实时风图


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La Roche 天气预报及实时风图

风况和波浪天气预报是为 La berra, Switzerland 包含当地风速、风向和阵风的详细信息。波浪预报包括浪高和周期。Windy.app亦提供一般天气预报:温度、气压、云量、降水和潮汐。

这些预报是为 La berra 基于GFS模型,为帆板,风筝冲浪,帆船和其他极限运动而设。所有数据一天更新4次。预测分步骤进行,持续1到3小时,最多预测10天。

Closest meteostation (3.62km):




Saint-Blaise, Switzerland • 40km
2 m/s, West +8 °C, Partly cloudy
2 m/s, South +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Delley-Portalban • 33km
2 m/s, Southwest +7 °C, Partly cloudy
Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland • 31km
2 m/s, Southwest +7 °C, Partly cloudy
La Neuveville • 44km
2 m/s, Southwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Bern, Switzerland • 37km
2 m/s, South +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Vevey, Switzerland • 36km
2 m/s, Southeast +6 °C, Partly cloudy


Mooser Sport
Mooser Sport

At Mooser Sport you will find the perfect equipment for a pleasant winter Holiday in Jonah.

Schweizer Skischule Jaun
Schweizer Skischule Jaun

No matter what level you want to learn something, ski and snowboard instructors will let you.

Jacques Luthy Sport SA
Jacques Luthy Sport SA

Snowshoes, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, skatings and sledges are provided daily or weekly during the winter holidays. For Hiking in the mountains,we rent a kangaroo.


Do you want to improve your ski technique? Our snow sports instructors love their activities and this passion makes the difference. Are You A Beginner? Yes, even then, you are right with us, we have an optimal training infrastructure with small ski lift and conveyor belt for beginner lessons.

Side Cut Sports AG
Side Cut Sports AG

Outdoor clothing and summer accessories. Rent, Service, purchase or just browse around-we look forward to your visit!

École Suisse de Ski et de Snowboard La Berra
École Suisse de Ski et de Snowboard La Berra

The Swiss Ski School of La Berra is the best situated ski resort, close to the city of Fribourg, Marly and the surrounding area.

Mahu Bike & Sport Shop
Mahu Bike & Sport Shop

We offer ski brands Fischer, Blizzard and Dynafit. Especially for ski tours we offer a wide range of skis, mounts, helmets and sticks to the camps.
