Dragør 天气预报及实时风图


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Dragør 天气预报及实时风图

风况和波浪天气预报是为 Sydvestpynten, Denmark 包含当地风速、风向和阵风的详细信息。波浪预报包括浪高和周期。Windy.app亦提供一般天气预报:温度、气压、云量、降水和潮汐。

这些预报是为 Sydvestpynten 基于GFS模型,为帆板,风筝冲浪,帆船和其他极限运动而设。所有数据一天更新4次。预测分步骤进行,持续1到3小时,最多预测10天。

Closest meteostation (4.82km):




Amager Strandpark, Copenhagen, Denmark • 11km
10 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Sydvestpynten, Dragor, Denmark • 1km
11 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Copenhagen, Denmark (København) • 13km
9 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Niva, Denmark (Nivå) • 41km
9 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Lundakra Harbor, Sweden (Lundåkrahamnen) • 38km
9 m/s, Southwest +7 °C, Partly cloudy
Malmo, Sweden (Malmö) • 17km
11 m/s, Southwest +7 °C, Partly cloudy
Sylten • 6km
11 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy


Den Danske Skiskole
Den Danske Skiskole

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