Stavenisse 天气预报及实时风图


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Stavenisse 天气预报及实时风图

风况和波浪天气预报是为 Oosterschelde, Netherlands, Netherlands 包含当地风速、风向和阵风的详细信息。波浪预报包括浪高和周期。Windy.app亦提供一般天气预报:温度、气压、云量、降水和潮汐。

这些预报是为 Oosterschelde, Netherlands 基于GFS模型,为帆板,风筝冲浪,帆船和其他极限运动而设。所有数据一天更新4次。预测分步骤进行,持续1到3小时,最多预测10天。

Closest meteostation (6.13km):




Brouwersdam, Netherlands • 22km
13 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy
De Slufter, Netherlands • 39km
13 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy
Brouwersdam, Ouddorp, Netherlands • 22km
13 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy
Oesterdam, Netherlands • 23km
10 m/s, Southwest +9 °C, Partly cloudy
Autostrand Oostvoorne, Netherlands • 36km
13 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy
Brouwersdam, Zeil- • 21km
13 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy
Vrouwenpolder Damm, Netherlands • 21km
11 m/s, Southwest +10 °C, Partly cloudy


Kano-Buitenrekreatie Veerse Meer
Kano-Buitenrekreatie Veerse Meer

Make your day out in Zeeland a great experience. Go into the water in a canoe, test yourself on the climbing course or discover your skills in archery. The ingredients to relax.

Waterfront Yacht Charter
Waterfront Yacht Charter

With a fleet of 15 boats, 7 motor boats and 7 boats we wish our customers lots of fun on the water experience.

Royal Yacht Club van België - jachthaven Wolphaartsdijk RYCB
Royal Yacht Club van België - jachthaven Wolphaartsdijk RYCB

The R.Y.C.B is a recognized sports association that wants to promote and support the sailing sport for everyone.

Watersportvereniging Wolphaartsdijk
Watersportvereniging Wolphaartsdijk

The WSVW is a "Family" port on the Veerse Meer with 900 berths. Where many youth sailing activities are provided.

De Zuidschor
De Zuidschor

In 800m2 large packaged water sports, a shop with clothes, sales and mediation, all kinds of ships and open boats, in the marine industry and not to mention construction, and boat hire on the beautiful Lake Versa-mer, in zeeland, the Netherlands.

Hengelsport en Visvereniging De Zandkreek
Hengelsport en Visvereniging De Zandkreek

The association represents interests for fishing, as well as beroepsvisserij on Versa-mer and Scheldt.

De Viking
De Viking

Why sailing school "De Viking" and not another sailing school? Because sailing is fun with us! You're already enough in the school desks. Young or old, we believe that sailing should be fun.

Delta Yacht Shipyard
Delta Yacht Shipyard

Delta Yacht is a yacht yard with a wide range of water sports, in the back of the spacious marina of Colijnsplaat. Located on nature reserve the Oosterschelde.


Fishing Charter.


Vanuit Zierikzee kun je hele mooie zeiltochten maken. De Zeeuwse wateren zijn een ideaal vaarwater voor een kortere of langere zeiltocht. Via kun je een heel schip met schipper en matroos huren zodat je bijvoorbeeld met je familie, collega's of vrienden een dagtocht of meerdaagse zeilreis kunt maken. Ook zijn er zeilreizen, die starten op het IJsselmeer, voor individuelen. Dit zijn veelal geheel verzorgde reizen van 3 dagen tot een week. Kijk op onze site naar alle mogelijkheden.
