Astún previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

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Astún previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

Vento e onda previsioni meteo per ASTUN, Spain contiene informazioni dettagliate sulla velocità', la direzione e le raffiche del vento locali. La previsione dell'onda include l'altezza e il periodo dell'onda. fornisce anche previsioni meteorologiche generali: temperatura', pressione dell'aria', copertura nuvolosa', precipitazioni e maree.

Queste previsioni per ASTUN si basano sul modello GFS e sono stati creati per windsurf, kitesurf, vela e altre attività sportive estreme. Tutti i dati vengono aggiornati 4 volte al giorno. Le previsioni sono disponibili in passaggi da 1 a 3 ore per un massimo di 10 giorni.

Closest meteostation (20.07km):

Mappa del vento in diretta

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Luoghi vicini

Formigal, Spain • 8km
0 m/s, North +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Cauterets • 33km
2 m/s, Southwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Gourette • 21km
3 m/s, South +7 °C, Partly cloudy
Accous • 19km
3 m/s, South +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Formigal • 12km
1 m/s, North +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Candanchú • 4km
1 m/s, Northeast +5 °C, Partly cloudy



Learn and perfect your knowledge with the best. Ski school Candanchú is a ski school for white sport lovers.

Spanish Ski School
Spanish Ski School

With a team of over 60 teachers, and 54 years ' experience, forming on Technical Winter Sports we are the best choice. Our participation in all InterSki since 1975, confirming our commitment to skiing.

Sport Pirineos
Sport Pirineos

Sport Pirineos, rental, repair and sale of ski and snowboard equipment in Candanchú and Jaca (Rock & Roll in Avenida de Francia, 26. Jaca).

Deportes Galindo
Deportes Galindo

Your ski shop in Candanchú. Sale, rental and repair. Over 40 years in the service of the skier. Sale and bookings on our website.

Ski Astun
Ski Astun

Astún is a strategic enclave as it occupies the center of what could be the largest snow field on the peninsula if the three ski resorts of Formigal, Astún and Candanchú were joined.

Esquí Telka
Esquí Telka

Come, enjoy and learn Skiing and Telka. Our team of Sports technicians will be at your disposal. We want you to get better with us, and that learning to ski or raise your level is an experience you will never forget.

Deportes Yeti
Deportes Yeti

Deportes Yeti, hire and sale of ski and snowboard equipment in Astun, at the foot of the ski slopes, as well as repair shop.

Chalet lHermine
Chalet lHermine

Le chalet se trouve au départ d'une piste de ski de fond de 12 km et de nombreux itinéraires en raquettes. Vous pouvez louer skis de fond, raquettes et luges.

LA BOUTIQUE_Andreu Sports
LA BOUTIQUE_Andreu Sports

Bienvenue à LA BOUTIQUE - ARTOUSTE, location de ski et snowboard, magasin de vêtements et accessoires, dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques. Soucieux d'être à votre écoute, nous sommes là pour trouver ensemble les produits correspondant à vos besoins. Location de matériel de skis et snowboard, vente de vêtements, équipements de montagne et souvenirs.

Altiservice Artouste
Altiservice Artouste

Station de ski d'Artouste. Le domaine skiable d’Artouste est situé dans un des plus beaux paysages de la vallée d’Ossau, à 2000 m d’altitude, face au Pic du Midi et à proximité du Parc National des Pyrénées. Domaine skiable de 150 hectares. 24 km de pistes dont 1 verte, 7 bleues, 5 rouges et 1 noire. Snowboard et freestyle pour les initiés et nouveau départ de snowcross cette saison pour les amateurs de sensations fortes ! Ski de fond, raquette, randonnée, cascade de glace, marche nordique …

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