Sequoia National Park: 気象統計と風の歴史


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以下のための風と波の予報: Sequoia National Park, United States 地域の風速と、風向、そして突風に関する詳細な情報が含まれています。波の予報には波高と時間帯が含まれています。また、Windy.appは気温や、気圧、雲量、降雨、そして潮汐などの一般的な天気予報も提供しています。

以下のための予報:」 Sequoia National Park はGFSモデルに基づいており、ウインドサーフィンや、カイトサーフィン、セーリング、そして他のエクストリームスポーツのために作られています。すべてのデータは1日に4回更新されます。予報は最大で10日まで1時間から3時間の段階でご利用いただけます。

Weather forecast

10 days weather forecast for Sequoia National Park, United States on this page contains information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weather model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Sequoia National Park from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.

Get the weather forecast for all 63 US national parks on this website and in the with more weather for hiking in the US, and other sports.

Spot overview and travel information

Sequoia National Park is one of the three oldest national parks in the United States, which is located in the southern part of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. The main feature of the park is a forest consisting of giant sequoia trees, including the largest tree by volume of wood in the world, called the "General Sherman" (1500 cubic meters). The forest is also home to five more of the 10 largest trees in the world.

  • Area: 1.635.19 sq. km
  • Founded: September 25, 1890
  • Visitors: 1,229,594 (2018)

Official websites:,

Sequoia National Park weather forecast in the for iOS. Background photo: Christian-joudrey / Unsplash


Sawmill Lake • 48km
1 m/s, West -1 °C, Clear sky
Hedrick Mill Pond • 30km
1 m/s, Northeast +1 °C, Clear sky
Hedrick Pond • 30km
1 m/s, Northeast +1 °C, Clear sky
Carl Lake • 31km
1 m/s, Northeast +2 °C, Clear sky
Maggie Lakes • 24km
1 m/s, North 0 °C, Clear sky
Maggie Lakes 3 • 24km
1 m/s, North 0 °C, Clear sky
Coyote Lakes • 22km
2 m/s, North -2 °C, Clear sky

United States top spots
