Zarautz 天气预报及实时风图


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Zarautz 天气预报及实时风图

风况和波浪天气预报是为 Zarautz, Spain, Spain 包含当地风速、风向和阵风的详细信息。波浪预报包括浪高和周期。Windy.app亦提供一般天气预报:温度、气压、云量、降水和潮汐。

这些预报是为 Zarautz, Spain 基于GFS模型,为帆板,风筝冲浪,帆船和其他极限运动而设。所有数据一天更新4次。预测分步骤进行,持续1到3小时,最多预测10天。

Closest meteostation (7.6km):



热门景点活动 — 冲浪


三月 — 四月, 十月 — 十二月












1 - 3m








热门景点活动 — 风筝冲浪


十月 — 三月



东北, 西北



Medium wave














Weather forecast

10 day weather forecast for Zarautz, Spain, contains useful information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weathel model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Zarautz, Spain, from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.

Get the weather forecast for other best kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing spots in Spain on this website and in the with more weather parameters.

Climate, weather, and seasons in Zarautz

The weather in Zarautz is classified as warm-temperate, subpolar oceanic with few temperature oscillations. It is characterized by being rainy, 1417 mm annual average. Winters are long, cold, wet, and windy and it is partly cloudy all year round. The temperature in Zarautz starts from 4 °C in February as a minimum of the year and 19 °C as a maximum in August. Humidity is always above 75%.


Winter in Zarautz goes from the end of December to the end of March. Winters are long, cold, wet, and windy.

  • The average minimum temperature is 4.5 °C and the maximum temperature is 10 °C. It has 52 rainy days in this period (239 mm), with January being the month with the highest rainfall of the entire season. Here you can learn the basics of rainfall.
  • Winter is characterized by winter swells from the Cantabrian Sea with high and powerful waves and an approximate water consistency of 70%.
  • From October onwards the best wave season starts with a constant possibility of heavy showers.


Spring in Zarautz starts at the end of March and ends at the beginning of June. Days are longer during this period, temperatures settle between 7 °C and 19 °C, and rainfall averages 55 days (203 mm).

  • Swells are consistent but not very large.
  • Spring is ideal for lessons as these are times of empty beaches that facilitate learning spaces. Zarautz hosts several international championships.


Summer in Zarautz starts at the end of June and ends at the beginning of September. The weather in Zarautz during this period is cool, given its characteristic cloudiness and fog.

  • The most common is to have a maximum temperature of 23 °C in August and minimum temperatures of 15 °C on average. Rainfall is as constant as in spring, with 42 days of rain during the season (162 mm).
  • It is not the ideal season for professional or experienced surfers because the waves are low and the beaches are quite crowded. It is a good season for beginners due to the calm sea, the waves do not exceed one and a half meters.


Autumn in Zarautz starts from the last days of September until the first days of December.

  • Rainfall remains at an average of 49 days but is much more torrential with 227 mm on average for the total season, with November being the rainiest month, with 20 days of rainfall.
  • The predominance of the S-SW wind makes it the favorite period for surfing, the sea wakes up after the summer session and brings with it squalls and therefore high waves.

Zarautz weather forecast for surfing in Spain on the for iOS. Photo: Kylie-paz / Unsplash

Best time to travel

The best time to visit Zarautz if it’s for surfing will depend on your level of experience and the style you want to practice. It is a windy city but the windiest part of the year goes from October to April with average speeds of 13 km / h the rest of the year on the other hand has an average of 11 km / h. So for beginners, the ideal period would be spring-summer while for intermediate or experts autumn-winter. It is always advisable to take a look at the current regulations for surfers, here you can see them.

General and travel information about the place

Zarautz is the surfing capital of the Basque Country, it offers the conditions that every surfer wants to find, good wind and waves. It is an urban beach, its tide is variable most commonly medium, the bottom is sandy and it is a place suitable for surfers of any level of experience. It works best with the wind S. It has both lefts and rights maneuverable. It is an area of a high influx of surfers, especially locals in almost any season of the year. Finally, it has schools all along the beach, it is an ideal destination for beginners, here is detailed information on how to choose a surf school.

The waves depend on the weather conditions but predominantly perpendicular to the coastline, this is due to its location in the open sea. The waves are consistent and start from the west, arriving with equal power to the east.

Official website:


San Sebastian, Spain • 16km
5 m/s, Southwest +14 °C, Light rain
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain • 20km
5 m/s, Southwest +14 °C, Light rain
Zurriola beach, Spain • 16km
5 m/s, Southwest +14 °C, Light rain
Hendaye • 32km
5 m/s, Southwest +14 °C, Partly cloudy
Zurriola beach, Spain (Playa de la Zurriola) • 16km
5 m/s, Southwest +14 °C, Light rain
Zumaia • 8km
5 m/s, Southwest +15 °C, Light rain


FLYSCHSURF Zumaiako Surf Eskola
FLYSCHSURF Zumaiako Surf Eskola

En Zumaia; tanto en la playa de Itzurun o en el río Urola, todos los cursos se adaptan a cualquier nivel, se pueden realizar de manera individual o en grupos, y se ofrecen todos los días, con total flexibilidad. Aquí teneís una lista de lo que ofrecemos en cada playa.

Begi-bistan Zerbitzu Turistikoak
Begi-bistan Zerbitzu Turistikoak

Begi-bistan está compuesta por un grupo de profesionales especializados en el desarrollo de experiencias únicas en EUSKADI, desde Junio del 2003. Creamos, planificamos y desarrollamos diferentes tipos de actividades tanto en entornos naturales como urbanos. Lo que nos diferencia del resto de las empresas es nuestra creatividad, enfocada siempre a ofrecer a nuestros clientes algo único, a la vez que contribuimos activamente en la conservación y mejora del patrimonio, tanto ambiental como cultural. Para Begi-Bistan lo que ofrecemos es la sinergia de todos los componentes de nuestra ubicación geografiografica, lo que traducimos en EXPERIENCIAS inolvidables. A partir de una visión completa de las interacciones entre el entorno natural y los paisajes humanizados a lo largo de la historia, se llega a un conocimiento mayor y global de la realidad de los espacios que nos rodean. El trabajo de nuestros guías especializados y buenos conocedores de este territorio, es dar a conocer estos aspectos para llegar a entender el por qué de nuestro entorno actual.


Spot es una tienda de Bodyboard,Surf y Skate ubicada en Zumaia (Guipuzcoa).

REDYMAR Marina Zumaia SL
REDYMAR Marina Zumaia SL

Somos una empresa dedicada exclusivamente al QUAD-ATV y a las motos de agua. Nuestra plena dedicación al sector nos convierte en especialistas en la venta y reparación de motos de agua, ATV, QUAD y SSV. Podrás ver, probar y comparar las marcas lideren mundialmente en ATV-SSV, motos de agua, POLARIS, BRP CAN AM. Te aconsejaremos en la compra del mejor vehículo para tus características y tú elegirás la marca que más satisfaga tus necesidades. Alquila con nosotros una moto de agua, disfrutarás de una excursión inolvidable recorriendo por mar la ruta del flysch entre Zumaia y Mutriku. No necesitas ninguna experiencia previa ni titulación, un monitor te acompañara en otra moto para guiarte y orientarte. Disfrutarás del contacto directo del mar y descubrirás un nuevo mundo en la náutica mucho más accesible de lo que crees.

Axi Muniain Surf Eskola
Axi Muniain Surf Eskola

En nuestra escuela se respira surf y muy buen ambiente. A tan solo 50 metros del puerto de Zarautz y rodeados de profesionales titulados y experimentados, ofrecemos todo tipo de cursos de surf, bodyboard y stand-up paddle adaptados siempre al nivel de cada alumno y a sus necesidades. Alquiler todo tipo de tablas, bodyboards, paddles, trajes de neopreno y skates, y asesoramiento en la compra de material. La escuela destaca por sus divertidas y variadas actividades y por transmitir la verdadera esencia del surf de la mano del rider de olas grandes Axi Muniain (charlas y video-proyecciones). Ofrecemos packs de alojamiento y clases de surf.

Basque Country Surf Company (Agote/Cabianca)
Basque Country Surf Company (Agote/Cabianca)

Located in Zarautz, BCSC is the home of surf brands Cabianca Surfboards and Agote Surfboards, Atlantic Surfboard Blanks, and the owner of TorFlex technology, a proprietary flex and vibration analysis system for performance surfboard design and construction.

Essus Surf Shop & Surf School
Essus Surf Shop & Surf School

Impartimos clases de surf dirigidas a todos los niveles, a todas las edades y todos los días del año. ¡Surfea con nosotros! Te esperamos en Zarautz.

North Shore Surf Camp
North Shore Surf Camp

In our surfcamp, besides introducing you to an amazing and passionate sport that may change your life, we also want to show you a different way of life: a life close to nature and in one of the most renowned surf destinations in all of Europe. Our purpose is to provide you with an amazing experience while learning about a new part of the world, famous for its great surfers and rich surf culture. This surf camp will be shared with a group of people like you with whom you can build friendships, making your experience even more unforgettable.


Zarauzko Surf Eskola (ZSE) was born in 1991

Moor Surf Eskola Zarautz
Moor Surf Eskola Zarautz

Somos una escuela de surf relativamente nueva, aunque llevamos 20 años enseñando surf en Zarautz. Cuentanos cual es tu idea y nosotros colaboramos contigo para llevarlo a cabo.
