Motril, Spain: Wetterstatistik und Windgeschichte

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Weather forecast

10 day weather forecast for Motril, Spain, contains useful information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weathel model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Motril, Spain, from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.

Get the weather forecast for other best kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing spots in Spain on this website and in the with more weather parameters.

Climate, weather, and seasons in Motril

The weather in Motril is the Mediterranean, with mild and relatively rainy winters and hot and sunny summers. The wind blows frequently and in the cold half of the year is accompanied by rain and showers, while in summer it blows as an afternoon breeze. The highest mountain range of the Iberian Peninsula is located near this city, generating effects in its climatology.


Winter in Motril occurs in the period between the end of December and the end of March with minimum temperatures averaging 8 °C and maximums of 16 °C, and approximately 21 days of rain (120 mm) in the total of the season.

  • The weather in Motril during the winter can be very variable, days with light and moderate winds and others with large waves of more than three meters and winds of more than 60 kilometers per hour on the coast, which is an ideal scenario for experienced surfers.
  • Granada Beach is ideal for surfers, especially in the month of March when the waves reach their peak. Learn how to read the surf forecasts and make the most of the weather.


Spring in Motril starts at the end of March and lasts until the end of June, temperatures during this period range between 10 °C and 24 °C, and on average there are 15 days of rain (73 mm) in the total season.

  • From spring onwards, thermal winds from the southeast begin to blow with average temperatures of 23 °C, ideal for kitesurfing.
  • Beginning of the season of the east winds, a period in which these are strong so that kites or sails of medium or small size are recommended to avoid its breakage or the complication in the control of the artifacts given its intensity.
  • A recommended place is the Rules reservoir, a space in the middle of the mountain and with fresh water, where the wind is regular and blows light and medium but where there are good sessions for beginner windsurfers and also for experienced windsurfers who want to practice some maneuvers.


The summer in Motril starts at the end of June and goes towards the end of September, the average temperature of the season is 31 °C as maximum temperature and 21 °C as a minimum. The month of August reaches a temperature of up to 32 °C.

  • In Motril, this is the time of the year with the clearest sky, during these months rainfall is quite scarce with a maximum of 2 days (13 mm) for the whole season.
  • In August the water temperature reaches the warmest of the year, it is then the most acclaimed time for windsurfers and kitesurfers.
  • The temperatures of both the environment and the water reach the maximum but there are restrictions due to the high influx of people on the beaches, so it is not an ideal time for the practice of kitesurfing or windsurfing.


Autumn in Motril goes from the end of September to mid-December. It is the rainiest period along with winter with 111 mm and 18 days of rainfall in the total season. With temperatures dropping progressively from 27 °C to 16 °C as a minimum.

  • It is a time with high and powerful waves, therefore it is more suitable for right-handed kitesurfers.
  • For beginners and intermediate surfers, Playa Punta is recommended, with shallow, sandy bottoms and waves that break against the shore. Although it is possible to surf there at any time of the year, the waves are highest in autumn.

Motril weather forecast for kitesurfing, windsurfing, and surfing in Spain on the for iOS. Photo: Aramis-cartam / Pexels

Best time to travel

The best months for windsurfing and kitesurfing in Motril are from May to November. The time of highest rainfall is during the winter so it is not the most ideal time for water and wind sports but it is the perfect time for surfing since it reaches the maximum swell.

To decide the right time to visit Motril we recommend you to know how the wind rose works, it can be very useful to know the weather conditions of the area.

General and travel information about the place

Motril is located on the shores of the Mediterranean, in the central part of the Costa Granadina, in the autonomous community of Andalusia in Spain. It has an important windsurfing tradition and many schools. It is interesting the possibility of doing wind sports not only on the coast but also in the nearby reservoirs, finding more controllable conditions and sometimes more favorable than those of the sea.

It also has ideal scenarios for both surfing and kitesurfing, with different characteristics and levels of demand.

Official website:

Orte in der Nähe

La Herradura, Spain • 16km
5 m/s, Northwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Sierra Nevada, Spain • 42km
3 m/s, Northwest +7 °C, Partly cloudy
Playa Granada - AWA Watersports • 0km
6 m/s, Northwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Calahonda • 14km
7 m/s, West +16 °C, Clear sky
Salobreña 18 Nudos Surf Club • 2km
6 m/s, Northwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Almunecar, Spain • 8km
5 m/s, Northwest +16 °C, Clear sky

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