Presenting the Sea Temperature Map


Starting with version 11.9.1 for iOS from April 22, 2023, you can get the sea temperature forecast on a map for the whole world.

The forecast is available for for all seas and oceans for 10 days with a high resolution of 9.25 km from the special global MyOcean weather model.

The new Sea Temperature Map feature will be useful first of all for divers who can also find spots for their sport on the map, but also for swimmers, surfers, fishers, sailors, and others.

As before you can also get sea temperature in the forecast table for the same period for your favorite outdoor locations or any point in the world.

How to find and read a Sea Temperature Map in the

1. Open the Weather Map from the Home screen or from the Spot screen.

2. Select the “Water Temperature” layer in the slider. Just below, in the map's Settings, you can also show or hide the diving spots and others.

Sea Temperature Map in the for iOS

3. To read the map, use the color bar at the top of the screen:

  • blue color — too cold water for swimming without a wetsuit (from 0 to 15 degrees Celsius), you can quickly become overcooled, which is dangerous for your health and life;
  • green and yellow — fresh or relatively warm, depending on a person, and comfortable for swimming without a wetsuit (from 15 to 25 degrees);
  • red and purple — too warm, which can be just as unpleasant as cold water and just as unhealthy (over 25 degrees).

In general, when we talk about sea temperature for swimming, we are talking about the areas near the shore, the further from it and the deeper — the colder.

If you live or planning to travel in Europe and north Africa, learn how the temperature changes in the Mediterranean Sea.

4. To find out the temperature at a particular point, just click on it.

Sea Temperature Map in the for iOS

5. To get the table forecast and other weather parameters for the same point, go to Spot screen. Here you can also select the “Dive” weather profile with a set of elements for this sport.

Sea temperature forecast in the for iOS

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