Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia: weather statistics and wind history

Closest meteostation (2.81km):

Palm Beach Wind forecast

  • Wind direction is South, wind speed varies between 33.5 and 44.6 mph with gusts up to 62.4 mph. The sky is cloudy with a chance of rain 0%.
  • Wind and wave weather forecast for Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Australia contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.
  • These forecasts for Gold Coast, Queensland, Australiaare based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.
  • Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 13 years (2012-2025). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.
  • Download in the App Store and Google Play Store.

Popular spot activity — Kitesurfing

Best season

December — March

Best season

Working wind directions


Working wind directions

Water conditions


Water conditions

Water depth


Water depth




Level of riding

Entry, Intermediate

Level of riding

Kite sizes


Kite sizes

The Gold Coast is a popular destination for surfing, including during the winter months. For intermediate surfers, there are several surf breaks that can offer fun and challenging waves. Some of the most popular spots on the Gold Coast include Snapper Rocks, Burleigh Heads, and Kirra.

  • Snapper Rocks is a famous surf spot located at the southern end of the Gold Coast, which offers long and fast waves that are ideal for middle-level and experienced surfers.
  • Burleigh Heads is another popular spot that offers a range of waves, including a point break and beach break, and can cater to different skill levels. Kirra, which is located near Coolangatta, offers fast and powerful waves that are well-suited for surfers looking to challenge themselves.

During the winter months, the Gold Coast can experience larger swells and offshore winds, which can create great surfing conditions. However, the water temperature can be cooler, ranging from 19-23 degrees Celsius, so a wetsuit is recommended to stay warm.

It’s important to be aware of the surf conditions and any potential hazards, such as strong currents, rips, and rocks, which can be present at some places. It’s also important to practice proper surf etiquette, especially at popular spots like Snapper Rocks, which can get crowded with surfers and bodyboarders.

Aside from surfing, you can find a range of activities and attractions, including beautiful beaches, national parks, and theme parks, making it a great destination for a trip during the winter.

Overall, the Gold Coast can be a great option for intermediate surfers looking to enjoy some quality waves, beautiful beaches, and a range of other activities and attractions during the winter months.

Nearby spots

Gold Coast Seaway, Australia • 16km
17 m/s, South +24 °C, Rain
SNAPPER ROCKS, Australia • 12km
14 m/s, Southeast +24 °C, Rain
Noosa Heads, Australia • 45km
13 m/s, South +24 °C, Rain
Burleigh Heads, Australia • 4km
13 m/s, South +24 °C, Rain
Currumbin, Australia • 7km
13 m/s, South +24 °C, Rain
Coolangatta, Australia • 12km
13 m/s, South +24 °C, Rain

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