The collection of articles about surfing

The collection of articles about surfing


Read the collection of articles about surfing on the blog from the experts of the leading pro weather forecast app for wind sports and outdoors recognized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as the best in its category.


The Physics of Surfing

The guide to surfing

Mini guide to surfing with


The list of ten best surfing sports all over the world

Where and when to go surfing in Europe

The list of great surfing spots in Spain. Weather features and best time to travel

Where and when to go surfing in the US

Where and when to go surfing in Asia

A selection of surfing spots by American surfer Matt Meola


How to choose the right wetsuit for surfing and other water activities

Seasons and weather

Where to surf in February

Where to surf in July in Europe and Latin America

Where to surf in August, if you're a beginner or intermediate sportsman

Surf calendar. The ultimate list of surfing spots month by month

How to read a surf forecast to get the best surfing experience

Learning the sport

How to surf. A brief instructions

The guide on surf schools for beginners, intermediate and pro sportsmen

How to choose a surf school

Events and records

The list of most important surf events during the year

Everything you want to know about surfing Olympics debut in Japan, 2021


Interview with Canadian surfer Mac Pridham

Tips for surfers from the top Russian surfer Seva Shulgin

What is surfing localism and how to deal with it

Learn more about how to read the surf / swell forecast in a special presentation with examples and tips from professional surfers with many years of experience of riding the biggest and best waves on the planet.



Cover photo: Unsplash

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