Glacier National Park: statistiche meteo e storia del vento

Closest meteostation (5.49km):

previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

  • Vento e onda previsioni meteo per Glacier National Park, United States contiene informazioni dettagliate sulla velocità', la direzione e le raffiche del vento locali. La previsione dell'onda include l'altezza e il periodo dell'onda. fornisce anche previsioni meteorologiche generali: temperatura', pressione dell'aria', copertura nuvolosa', precipitazioni e maree.
  • Queste previsioni per Glacier National Parksi basano sul modello GFS e sono stati creati per windsurf, kitesurf, vela e altre attività sportive estreme. Tutti i dati vengono aggiornati 4 volte al giorno. Le previsioni sono disponibili in passaggi da 1 a 3 ore per un massimo di 10 giorni.

Weather forecast

10 days weather forecast for Glacier National Park, United States on this page contains information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weather model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Glacier National Park from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.

Get the weather forecast for all 63 US national parks on this website and in the with more weather for hiking in the US, and other sports.

Spot overview and travel information

Glacier National Park is one of the largest national parks in the United States, which is located in the Rocky Mountains of northern Montana. The main feature of the park is rich wildlife: vast pine and spruce forests with 1132 species of plants and 322 species of animals; 130 lakes, including the main McDonald Lake, and 37 glaciers, and, not least of all, the magnificent mountains that can be seen walking along the park's numerous trails.

  • Area: 4.100.77 sq. km
  • Founded: May 11, 1910
  • Visitors: 3,049,839 (2019)

Glacier National Park weather forecast in the for iOS. Background photo: Ryan-stone / Unsplash

Luoghi vicini

Glacier Park Peak • 9km
2 m/s, Southwest -9 °C, Partly cloudy
Stanton Lake • 42km
1 m/s, South -9 °C, Partly cloudy
Striped Elk Lake • 44km
2 m/s, Southwest -10 °C, Partly cloudy
Upper Isabel Lake • 43km
2 m/s, West -10 °C, Partly cloudy
Cobalt Lake • 45km
2 m/s, Southwest -9 °C, Partly cloudy
Aurice Lake • 43km
2 m/s, West -10 °C, Partly cloudy
Lake West • 39km
1 m/s, East -8 °C, Partly cloudy

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