10 day weather forecast for Tarragona, Spain, contains useful information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weathel model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Tarragona, Spain, from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.
Get the weather forecast for other best kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing spots in Spain on this website and in the Windy.app with more weather parameters.
The weather in Tarragona is classified as warm and temperate, Mediterranean. In particular, rainfall in winter is rarer than what normally occurs in Mediterranean climates. There are about 50 rainy days a year with a total of 500 mm. It is located 53 meters above sea level and has an average humidity during the year of 70%. The month with the strongest wind and high speed is April (15 km/h) but with gusts that can reach up to (26 km/h).
Winter in Tarragona is mild and lasts from the end of December to the end of March, with average minimum temperatures of 4 °C and maximum temperatures of 11 °C, and approximately 14 days of rain (118 mm) in the total season.
Spring in Tarragona starts at the end of March and lasts until the end of June.
Summer in Tarragona starts at the end of June and goes towards the end of September, the average temperature of the season is 29 °C as maximum temperature and 17 °C as a minimum.
Autumn in Tarragona runs from late September to mid-December.
Tarragona weather forecast for kitesurfing, windsurfing, and surfing in Spain on the Windy.app for iOS. Photo: Pau-sayrol / Unsplash
The best time to visit Tarragona for surfers is between September and March, this is the time when the best waves are found. From spring and during the summer it is almost impossible to find days with a good tide. For windsurfers, the summer and spring are good seasons with flat water.
Tarragona is the capital of its namesake province, located on the Mediterranean coast in the northeast of Spain and south of Barcelona. It is located in the part of the coast called Costa Dorada.
It is important to mention that it is not a water sports destination by tradition and although good conditions can be achieved throughout the year, it requires patience and persistence. It is therefore recommended to keep track of the weather conditions to get the best weather in Tarragona. Here you can find our Guide to weather parameters, data, indexes, icons, and graphs.
Official website: Tarragonaturisme.cat.