There are a lot of great photos in the Community section of the application.
You can find almost every active sport and outdoor activity there: surfing, sailing, paragliding, fishing, cycling, hiking, and many others, or those you didn't even know existed. Users post photos from the US to Japan and from Australia to Iceland. In different weather and seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.
Every month we choose the photographs we liked the most to inspire you to be just as creative. Enjoy the selection of February 2023 and read about how to get to this monthly post with your photos and get free lifetime Pro version at the end of the page!
If you like some spots on the photos and want to repeat the adventures of other users, check the weather forecast for each spot by the link under the photo. Community. Be active member — be Pro
Michael — 莲洲机场
Антон — Strogino, Russia (Строгино)
Stefan Hristov — Ebro Delta, Spain
Rib — Port de Nice
Ghreza Ghanbari — spot
Алексей Агафонов — spot
Женя Нефтяник — Лабаган
豪 刘 — Duole Meidi Ski Field, China (多乐美地滑雪场)
АлексДзен — Давыдово
Планерный клуб Щекино — Планерный клуб
Gleb Mustafaev — Okhotskoe, Russia (Охотское)
柯李思 叫我 — 吉克普林滑雪场 禾木 user — North Shore Camanche Marina
Riin Urbanik — Buen Hombre
Programmer — Aeroport de Lleida-Alguaire (LEDA)
Landen L — spot
TheMagnificentJay — Willow beach
Maurizio Lo Vecchio — Porto di Andora
Evgeniy Mamontov — Южноуральск
Anton L — Narva-Jõesuu Jahtklubi
Владимир Белоусов — Солнечная поляна
Constantin — spot
Bruno Rocha — Guaruja, Brazil (Guarujá) user — 可可托海滑雪场
Dima Dobysh — Gudauri, Georgia (გუდაური)
Masih — spot
Toze Medeiros — Portugal - Praia Azul
Dmitriy Kisluy — У Димы Ершова
James — Zekreet Community section of the app
Text: Ivan Kuznetsov, an outdoor journalist, editor and writer from the Dolomites, Italy, and Karelia, Finland, with 10 years of professional experience. His favorite sports are hiking, cycling and sauna. Read his other articles Community one year birthday
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