10 day weather forecast for Castelldefels, Spain, contains useful information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts, temperature, cloud coverage and precipitation based on the global GFS weathel model. All data updates four times a day with a forecast step of 3 hours. There is also a real-time wind forecast for Castelldefels, Spain, from the nearest weather station to the spot, and a live Wind Map of the region and the world.
Get the weather forecast for other best kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing spots in Spain on this website and in the Windy.app with more weather parameters.
The weather in Castelldefels is classified as warm temperate, typical Mediterranean. It is characterized by mild temperature conditions with no major seasonality. There are about 143 rainy days a year, mostly during the autumn-winter period, with July being the driest month, but with constant rainfall. It is located 35 meters above sea level and has a relatively constant humidity always above 74%. The month with the strongest and highest wind speed is January (16 km/h) and the calmest and lowest wind speed is July (10 km/h).
Winter in Castelldefels occurs in the period between the end of December and the end of March with minimum temperatures averaging 6.5 °C and maximum temperatures of 12.5 °C, and approximately 30 days of rain (146 mm) in the total season.
Spring in Castelldefels starts at the end of March and lasts until the end of June. Temperatures during this period range from 8 °C slowly reaching 23 °C and on average there are 38 days of rain (210 mm) in the whole season.
Summer in Castelldefels starts at the end of June and goes towards the end of September, the average temperature of the season is 26 °C as maximum temperature and 20 °C as a minimum. In Castelldefels, this is the time of the year with the clearest skies and the least rainfall in the year with a maximum of 35 days (184 mm) for the whole season.
Autumn in Castelldefels runs from the end of September to the middle of December.
Castelldefels weather forecast for kitesurfing in Spain on the Windy.app for iOS. Photo: Enes-f / Unsplash
The best time to visit Castelldefels if surfing is your thing will always be autumn-winter. You’ll find the highest waves and the most suitable wind. However it is a year-round surfing destination, if you are less experienced spring is a good idea.
If you come for kitesurfing instead it is important not to do it during the summer because of all the restrictions for the practice of this sport. Spring with its Garbi winds is the ideal season.
Castelldefels has more than 5 km of beach, known for surfing and kitesurfing and for its proximity to Barcelona. It is cataloged as one of the best options in Catalonia for the practice of these sports. It has accurate weather forecasts so planning is easy. Port Ginesta, 3 km from Castelldefels, is a marina with a sandy bottom, famous for its long and powerful waves that are born in a rock breakwater. They are straight and work with all tides and with SE and E swells.
Official website: Catalunya.com.